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   October 21, 2006
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Red Wing Windows Payroll Software Now Provides Complete eFiling, State and Federal Reports

Red Wing, MN - September 5, 2006 - Red Wing Software, Inc. announces Red Wing Windows Payroll Software version 11.0 was released September 1, 2006. The new version greatly simplifies, streamlines and enhances the process of printing all state and federal forms with the expansion of its integration with Aatrix State and Fed Payroll Reports™. eFiling options were broadened and can be done easily for all state and federal forms.

Red Wing Payroll Software has expanded its integration with Aatrix Software by adding integrated federal payroll reports to its current offering of state payroll reports. Aatrix State and Fed Payroll Reports™ is now a standard component of version 11.0. The addition provides customers the ability to print all state and federal forms easily and quickly from one place. Upon generation of the forms, customers can review on screen, change if needed, and then choose to print on blank paper and send out themselves, or have the forms filed electronically by Aatrix.

“As the IRS continues to encourage companies of all sizes to file electronically, we see a growing need to provide our customers an easy way to comply. We chose to add Aatrix as a seamless part of our software for their benefit,” said Jon Isackson, Product Manager, “Many states are now making eFiling a requirement, and now all of our customers can easily do so.”

Tax Form changes include all standard format and year changes to the state and federal forms. Several other improvements are included in this update. With the customizable Employee List Report, customers can save an unlimited number of user-defined reports with each variation clearly identified in the report heading. Within direct deposit, customers can now choose whether to include or suppress social security numbers, for added security. For the time clock import utility, customers can now choose to import hours without a pay rate (for example, salaried vacation or project hours), and they can also choose to import dollars with no hours (for example, commissions or bonus). Other enhancements include more simplified setup for earnings codes and greater flexibility in the updating of employee balances.

Red Wing Software, Inc., along with its nationwide network of business partners, offers industry-leading service, as well as training, on-site installation and implementation of the software. Their vision is to create the best management software experience through personal support and attention to customers' business goals.


To view a self-running demonstration or to order the latest version of Red Wing Payroll, visit , contact Red Wing Software at 800-732-9464 or e-mail [email protected] . The update will be shipped to existing customers as part of their Customer Care Membership.

Red Wing Software, Inc. develops, integrates and supports the accounting and financial management needs of small- to mid-sized businesses, agribusinesses and producers across North America . For more information on Red Wing products, including TurningPoint Accounting, Red Wing Payroll, CenterPoint™, Perception Accounting, AgCHEK™ and Cow/Calf, call 1-800-732-9464 or visit .

Contact: Stephanie Elsen
Red Wing Software, Inc.
491 Highway 19, Red Wing , MN 55066
Phone: 800-732-9464
Fax: 651-388-7950
[email protected]
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